04 Sep

Building a website for any business allows you to tap into the unlimited pool of potential customers who surf the internet every second. Having a website online can optimise results and increase brand awareness. Nonetheless, competition is still stiff with online businesses where nearly every business online owns a website. It’s important to keep in mind search optimisation and ranking. One of the methods used to enhance conversion rates is the use of chat boxes to engage visitors.


Chatboxes developed as a mere communication means to answer any fundamental questions visitors might have regarding the website, products or business. Nonetheless, advancement in technology has included artificial intelligence with the use of bots which can handle diversified questions and answers meeting most of the visitors ‘search needs’. AI bots have since the first development been modified to form interactive sessions with visitors in a website through Chatboxes. Among the functions these Chatboxes do are as discussed below.

  1. Immediate responses and live interaction

Visitors on a website would most likely have questions about the products or services the business offers online. No one will be willing to spend a lot of time doing searches and navigating the site. Chatboxes helps these visitors get the information they needed on a one on one immediate response. AI-powered Chatboxes have capacities to process natural language making the sessions live than ever. 

  1. Avenues to collect visitor’s data for marketing.

Chatboxes creates a history of the visitors who visit the site through the use of cookies and other plugins methods. Technology can also retrieve visitor’s data and information from the signing into the Chatboxes. This data is used to send promotional messages and do marketing for growing your business. 

  1. Chatbox Customises product recommendations. 

These are among the modified capacities of AI-powered Chatboxes where a visitor can have bot customised product recommendations. For example, in beauty and cosmetics where the bot can choose the best suitable beauty product from the complexion of the skin through interactive chatting over the Chatboxes. 

  1. Can helpfind specific web content. 

The time taken by a visitor to find what they need on the website determines the conversion rates. Many customers need to get what they are looking for in the web faster. A report on online shoppers in 2018 revealed that difficulty in web navigation was a source of frustration that customers encountered. However, through the use of Chatboxes, a visitor can find the specific content they are looking for much faster. 


Anchor Digital helps with website development and marketing strategies. The marketing agency has experienced and qualified experts who design websites that allow interactive Chatboxes to help grow your business. You can contact Anchor Digital for more information.


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